Tuesday 10 January 2012

God, make MANJU NATH richest man in the world

                  VERY CAREFUL & LAUNCH

Final to Launch programme
तुरंत Launch हो निर्विघ्न Launch हो I
(  like that
First Launch my foreign tour programme)
 (Final to Launch programme, (First) Focus & Launch my foreign tour programme Like I have mentioned in my Final to Launch Programme & visiualize in my heart  
                                                                                              MANJU  NATH

Final to Launch Programme   is specifically for  Mr. MANJU  NATH , the contents of Final to Launch Programme  are not used to any other purpose..... MANJU  NATH


सबसे पहले consider

AUTOMATIC(till December) ताकि  Focus & Launch my
FINAL TO LAUNCH PROGRAMME like that   LAUNCH MY FOREIGN TOUR PROGRAMME तुरंत LAUNCH हो निर्विघ्न LAUNCH हो I अचूक उपाए से अतिशिग्र , निर्विघ्न, संभव हो I  
Very Careful & Launch...              MANJU  NATH

मै जिस शहर में,  उस शहर , उस जगह Automatic,  नारियल copy, Automatic  जब तक में वहाँ हूँ तब तक , ऐसा  September  तक रहेगा I   (for the Time being)









AUTOMATIC (till October) ताकि Focus & Launch my FINAL to LAUNCH programme.. Very Careful & Launch...MANJU  NATH
   ( Situation is something like this: hence Very Careful )
(You know the situation. Now you could easily Launch my FINAL TO LAUNCH PROGRAMME,Very Careful & Launch)

1. They know what I m watching, they know what I m Listening, they know what I m thinking.  Just careful & be Careful. 

2. Sometimes they were refelecting thoughts in minds. 
   ( इसलिए में कहता हूँ जब में अच्छी तरह से consider करने के लिए कहूँ then then only consider)

Sometimes I feel that they reflecting thoughts (words, images and सपना like etc.) in minds. ( this is not confirm they made this by computer or remotely or preset in their person minds that reflect in mind or their persons own thoughts but they were effecting thoughts)

3. Sometimes I feel that this area was compromised hence Careful, Very very careful and Launch)
(Sometime I feel that My mobile,my house,things related to me & my stuffs this area even this state where I m living that also, hence very very careful.)


Automatic(till January),Nariyal copy Look  
(First) Focus & Launch my world tour Programme   

(Final to Launch programme, LAUNCH          ...   Mr. MANJU NATH )
LAUNCH  LIKE I have visualize in my heart many times

 हो  निर्विघ्न संभव  हो I

                                        ... MANJU NATH


Automatic(till January),Nariyal copy Look    
(First) Focus & Launch my world tour Programme   
                                 ... MANJU NATH

(FINAL TO LAUNCH PROGRAMME.  LAUNCH                                     ...   Mr. MANJU NATH )
 LAUNCH  LIKE I have visualize in my heart many times

सदा उन्ही शब्दों, बातों, विचार,सोच  को consider कीजियेगा जो शब्द, बात, विचार और सोच , MANJU NATH (मेरे) हित में हो और सदा MANJU NATH (मेरा) हित हो I

   (make sure that everything is in my favour)  


 (पहले से ही तैयारी कर ली होगी सब Organized & secured तरीके से हो I)

1. Launch  MY WORLD TOUR PROGRAMME LIKE I have visualize in my heart many times (FROM..(This is the way how you can do it) You will send Handsome Smart Young Man …) (also mention in my blog & website)
  अचूक उपाय से,अतिशिग्र और निर्विघ्न संभव बनाएगा I 

2. God MANJU NATH,मुझको             Young, Beautiful और संसार का सबसे धनवान  अचूक उपाय से,अतिशिग्र और निर्विघ्न संभव बनाएगा I 

MANJU NATH ने अपनी कुछ इच्छाए अपने घर पर mention किया हूआ है उसको अपने blog & website में भी mention किया हूआ है और अपनी email में भी mention किया हूआ है जिसमे mention किया हूआ है MANJU NATH HEAVENउन इच्छाओं को अचूक उपाए से अतिशिग्र, निर्विघ्न, आसानी से अतिशिग्र संभव बनाएगा I

MANJU NATH (मुझे) सदा बहुत धन प्राप्त होता रहे I इसको अचूक उपाए से अतिशिग्र और निर्विघ्न संभव बनाएगा I

MANJU NATH always enjoy in Beautiful luxury car &                MANJU NATH always enjoy in Aeroplane              
अचूक उपाए से अतिशिग्र और निर्विघ्न संभव बनाएगा I

Consider according to my computer, my blog , website &
                                       email (MANJU NATH HEAVEN)



     अचूक उपाय से, अतिशिग्र और निर्विघ्न संभव हो I

मै जिस Country,  जिस शहर में enjoy  करू उस शहर , उस जगह Automatic,  नारियल pani जब तक में वहाँ  enjoy  करता हूँ तब तक , ऐसा January  तक रहेगा I   (for the Time being)
Focus & Launch my world tour programme.

Hollywood Directors/Producers can immediately send their representative to get in touch with Mr. MANJU NATH to offer 110 Million $ to Mr. MANJU NATH by giving a good role to Mr. MANJU NATH in their movie.  This is the way how you can do it

You will send Handsome Smart Young Man to contact Mr. MANJU NATH. He should meet me and tell me, Mr. MANJU NATH, Directors/Producers wants to take you to their New Movie for that they will give you, Mr. MANJU NATH above 110 Million $.

Mr. MANJU NATH, you prepare yourself to live in Hollywood. Directors/Producers will take Mr. MANJU NATH to you all the country for 5-6 months for movie shooting (that will be my First foreign tour).  Studio will born all your expenses i.e. your stay in Hollywood,Visa, Air tickets etc. Handsome smart young man will make my Visa, Air tickets and all arrangements and will take me (MANJU NATH) to Hollywood.

Mr. MANJU NATH, they will provide you Bold & Beautiful bilingual Assistant. She will be with you all the time. If you need any help you can just say her. She can interpret for you and in your spare time she will take you to show you city and entertain you.

Mr. MANJU NATH, they will also provide you Magnificent Beautiful House & Beautiful Luxury Car (Like I visualize in my heart. Just Like HEAVEN & also mention  in my email: God,make MANJU NATH richest man in the world), that will be yours forever. If you need driver, you just call them they will provide them also, otherwise, your personal assistant will be handy.

Mr. MANJU NATH, I shall come day after tomorrow you ready your Passport we will go to make your Visa from American Embassy and all that Embassy where movie shooting will be run during that time.

After, MANJU NATH receive ‘NEW MANJU NATH HOUSE’,  MANJU NATH recommends that there should be 1-2 Beautiful Luxury Appartments in my name in every country.  Mr. MANJU NATH reserve one house for himself and rest would be my earning sources. This is a beautiful way to visit and enjoy in there country after having my first foreign tour as I have suggested in my blog & website whenever I like to visit there country, hope you will make it possible.


(My well wishers who listen to my Heart they know how I visualize in my heart in regard to “my Top Most Priority” that mention in my blog & website, may be they have shown you abstract(as it is) …FROM..(This is the way how you can do it) You will send Handsome Smart Young Man …)  in regard to my top most priority mention in my blog & website.)

I have visualize in my heart many times (... FROM..This is the way how you can do it... ) & every time I have update the things how I want my "NEW MANJU NATH HOUSE" & how you can make it possible  my Top Most Priority mention in my blog & website.  

     अचूक उपाय से, अतिशिग्र और निर्विघ्न संभव हो I

(BRIEF:(Like I visualize in my heart  Handsome Smart Young man will come to my house and will give me Invitation letter from Directors/Producers/Studio and will give me Netbook and password of my New bank account wherein they have deposited above 110 Million $ or above 110 Million Pound for "King Super Star Manju Nath" and will make my VISA and all arrangement to  take MANJU NATH from Delhi to Paris to New York. Beautiful bilingual Secretary/Assistance will meet us in New York and we together go to Hollywood. Director take Mr. MANJU NATH to all the country for 8 to 12 months for movie shooting (that will be my First foreign World tour). Meanwhile, my 'NEW MANJU NATH HOUSE' will be ready like I visualize in my heart and will be given to me, Mr. MANJU NATH and also Beautiful luxury car as a complimentary gift from Producers /Directors / Studio.

            After,MANJU NATH receive ‘NEW MANJU NATH HOUSE’(Like I visualize in my heart. Just Like HEAVEN) , On behalf of All the country of the world, Ambassador or World Representative  will give me in written something like in (Pamphlet or Brochure size type) wherein it will be written that Mr. MANJU NATH all the countries of this world will be happy if you come to their country, therefore, they have decided to give you Mr. MANJU NATH 1-2 Beautiful Luxury Appartments in every country in your name, Mr. MANJU NATH. They wants whenever you like to come to their country you come and live in that Beautiful luxury Appartments and also it will be good earning sources to you, Mr. MANJU NATH and from that earning source you, Mr. MANJU NATH, can enjoy in our country.  Then World Representative will give me (Mr. MANJU NATH) Alphabetically, country wise list in (Pamphlet or Brochure) wherein they have given their countries Beautiful luxury Appartments  in my name, Mr. MANJU NATH.    


My earning sources:
1. MANJU NATH all the countries of this world will be happy if you come to their country, therefore, they have decided to give you Mr. MANJU NATH 1-2 Beautiful Luxury Appartments in every country in your name, Mr. MANJU NATH. They wants whenever you like to come to their country you come and live in that Beautiful luxury Appartments and also it will be good earning sources to you, Mr. MANJU NATH and from that earning source you, Mr. MANJU NATH, can enjoy in our country.

As you have suggested Mr. MANJU NATH in your blog & website we have reserved one House for you in that Beautiful Luxury Appartments and we have also arranged one faithful, reliable & trusted Manager for your Beautiful Luxury Appartments in all the countries respectively.     
He will be very faithful, reliable & trusted for you Mr. MANJU NATH . He will maintain your Beautiful Luxury Appartments and will give you, Mr. MANJU NATH , earning from that Beautiful Luxury Appartments and from that earning you, Mr. MANJU NATH, can enjoy in our country.

2. M ake my lots of Reliable & Trusted earning sources so that I could enjoy in your countries.
 (मेरे और भी बहुत से  Reliable & Trusted earning sources बनाएगा ताकि MANJU NATH, मै बेफिक्र होकर संसार घूम सकू और enjoy कर सकू I )




M ake My World Tour Iternary
अचूक उपाय सेअतिशिग्र और निर्विघ्न संभव हो I
Start from
My world tour programme
(M ake it possible)




Launch  हो  निर्विघ्न संभव  हो I

(This area was compromised hence Careful, Very very careful and Launch)
(Sometime I feel that My mobile,my house,my stuffs this area even this state where I m living that also, hence very very careful.)
Sometime I feel that Triple verify the word contents of my Final to Launch programme that I have written that because even they editing in my blog, email etc...)

 Whoever finds my computer return me

Please find this email with best of health and good spirit. 

I come to know that my computer was taken from my computer bag without bettery around 7 PM on 24 October 2012 near RED FORT (near entry gate where putla).
Reason: FINAL to LAUNCHprogramme (LAUNCH) was in my computer.
whoever finds return me.

USB internet device & computer device was not detecting on that computer and some fellows were interfacing on that computer.  If it is possible to rectify that things from Super computer engineers and return me that is very very nice.
Computer : LENOVO S10-3C
Computer NAME: MJ2076 
Ideapad S10-3cN455F01G2507SW3b-1N

Model: 20074
Model (P/N) : 59051325
MO# : DB010121FM

Please find herewith my visiting card.   My details are on my blog & website.

Thanking you.

With regards,



                               सभी देवताये अपनी Invisible Multiple Mirror copy बनाये और MANJU  NATH  (मेरे) FINAL TO LAUNCH programme में लगाये और remotely मेरे  FINAL TO LAUNCH PROGRAMME को तुरंत LAUNCH हो निर्विघ्न LAUNCH हो संभव बनाये   ताकि MANJU  NATH (मेरा) FINAL TO LAUNCH PROGRAMME अचूक उपाए से तुरंत LAUNCH हो निर्विघ्न LAUNCH हो

                           सभी देवताये और संसार , MANJU  NATH (मेरे) FINAL TO LAUNCH PROGRAMME को 
सबसे पहले consider करियेगा और  सबसे पहले consider LAUNCH MY FOREIGN TOUR PROGRAMME तुरंत LAUNCH हो निर्विघ्न LAUNCH हो I अचूक उपाए से अतिशिग्र , निर्विघ्न, संभव हो I  


सबसे पहले consider

AUTOMATIC(till January) ताकि  Focus & Launch my
FINAL TO LAUNCH PROGRAMME like that   LAUNCH MY FOREIGN TOUR PROGRAMME तुरंत LAUNCH हो निर्विघ्न LAUNCH हो I अचूक उपाए से अतिशिग्र , निर्विघ्न, संभव हो I  
Very Careful & Launch...              MANJU  NATH


Gods Integrity rising

Hanuman Invisible Multiple Mirror copy (Make)

HANUMAN Invisible Multiple Mirror copy on Action

Ganesh Invisible Multiple Mirror copy (Make)
Ganesh Invisible Multiple Mirror copy on Action


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